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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy 40th Earth Day everyone !!!

Happy 40th Earth Day, everyone....

Especially to those that Remember the 1st one~  also♥ 
(when it was ONLY about Recycling)

On THIS Special day and year... I hope everyone has made many changes 
in their way of living and are HELPING to do something 
Positive for "OUR HOME" = Mother Earth.

Many of us spend a lot of our time making images of her Beauty..
And we already KNOW the many things that are changing due to 
human's mistreatment and lack of care because we see the difference in our yearly photographs....
even if it has nothing to do with Global Warming
....destroying things, leaving trash around our home..etc.. 

I Sincerely HOPE that ALL of you WILL Taking the Pledge to Appreciate your Earth Home MORE each day AND those of you with children are  teaching THEM to be also more Aware and treat the Earth with Respect just as  you have earned Their respect...yes? Remember children learn "by example" as do we all..... 

The Earth IS worth the effort to keep her clean and preserve. AGREED?


I grew up next door to a Plant Nursery as many of you know and that was where I was first exposed to the Beauty of Mother Nature
...and their motto was:
 "Where the ONLY color is Green."  

THAT motto has taken on an even BIGGER
 more meaningful definition NOW.
Back then it was cuz the plants were green 
and the money they brought in was Green..
NOW Just the Word... means a New Industry, 
and Way of Thinking, and sustainable living ;-)

"May we ALL Live Long and Prosper while being GREEN."
  and Please Don't TRASH our ONLY Home ♥♥♥

I hope you have all been out there making many beautiful
images of the last storms of winter and now the beauties of Spring as Mother Nature changes her wardrobe for this season..and I hope this year you are able to travel to many new places that you have longed to experience and photograph...

Here's my latest 16x20 Archival Poster that I have just made 
a limited edition of 100.  

This is a VERY special image for me as I had slept 
in the back of my truck in the turnout and set the alarm 
to wake up before sunrise so I could set everything up... 
and then WAIT...
as most dedicated photographers do unless they are being 
a photo-journalist at the moment.

FINALLY the morning sun came shining thru 
in her Glory
"under the clouds" ~ and this was made back in days of FILM so 
this was NO digital creation.. until I scanned my film to make this poster.

Immediately after that image was made I drove all day 
thru the backroads of Nevada and barely made it  to Lee Vining, CA, 
"just in time @ 9:45pm" to get IN the door to have dinner at Nicely's 
and then go find my parking/sleeping spot in the 
Lower Lee Vining Campground.

Many of you have seen the image of the wild iris called the 
Blue Flag on my homepage. I made THAT one the 
next morning when I awoke about 20 yards from my truck...

It was the end of my Memorial Trip up to Yellowstone 
in Honor of my StepFather, who had a cabin up there for 50 years 
and I had driven him up there yearly, 
so this was my first trip alone....

May you all have Special memories like this that go with your images 
that make them "come alive" for you... 
and may we all have the opportunity to make many more special memories 
and may they be memorialized either with pixels or film 
you can cherish them even more later on in life.

Blessing to you all on this "Wonderful 40th Earth Day"

and Remember....

"Let the beauty you love BE what you do." ~ Rumi
and carry beauty with you always in your heart...

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