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Thursday, June 3, 2010

The NEW Age of Photography and the iPad

At FIRST I didn't think I would want one..myself.. waste of money..I said...
assuredly ~ until I got my hands on one and then suddenly WON one
and then took a 2 hour class on them at my local MUG (Mac User's Group) LOL

I don't know how many of you have ventured into the world of the iPad yet..
but I am quickly learning that it will be  GREAT TOOL for us and also
has many benefits for when we are on the road.

I am discovering many useful things it can do for us Professionally...
Some are already using them to set up a display of a slide show of
their images during almost any occasion.. teaching, family or otherwise.
Their are a gazillion apps to do almost everything for us except.. well
I really shouldn't say ;-) LOL

One app I love is the TPE and the GREAT GPS it has... 
way better than some Toyota's.. 
"Toyota is NOT My".. 
It's a Great way to show your images impromptu to 
someone you see that might be a possible customer 
or client.. and let's NOT forget the cheap 3G or Wifi 
capabilities....with NO monthly contracts.. 
wifi at home OR 3G on the road OR as
some have
already done.. if you have a Broadband card you can 
get a small gadget and hook them up and create 
your own Wifi and NOT NEED your 3G GB's for the month 
OR just buy the Wifi version and make that 
adjustment for the POWER users ;-)

I've personally been going Crazy learning about them 
cuz until I can trade in the one I WON.. 
when the store FINALLY has the 64GB version in stock..., 
they Fricken FLY off the shelves... or as Steve Jobs 
says "they sell one EVERY 3 minutes"...

So I am collecting a list of apps I want...
If you already have the iPad and have any 
apps you REALLY like that you think I or others 
should check out PLEASE leave us a reply in
the comments section with the name of the app, OK?

Since THIS has been the "ALL THINGS DIGITAL" 
week and Job's will probably release the new 4G 
iPhone next Monday... I thought it would be only
fitting to show you a clip from the 2 hour Q + A 
that he did the other day... with Walt Mossberg 
and PLEASE forgive me for not knowing the 
other ladies name.. IF  you know it, please 
let us know in the comments section, OK?

I'll look to see if the full 2 hours are posted 
anywhere....maybe more on youtube? 
If you find it let us know and if I find 
more I'll post for you, OK?

TO read more about what he said and how 
the interview went you can read it HERE

My Birthday's NEXT Month... so Please help me decide 
which apps a photog might want and NEED 
and I am also looking to SEE if there 
ANY apps YET to buy that I can use to download
a color Photography Book...??
ya know like one of ours?? 
If you know a tech Developer maybe check with 
them or get them to create one and let me 
know ASAP, if you already know of one OK?

Thanks Much and Welcome  to Summer FINALLY ♥

LOVE to Hear what uses you have all found 
for your iPad also... ? Please share..
so we can all benefit and Enjoy our New toys, tee hee