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Sunday, September 13, 2009

What "motivates" you ?

There are many places to learn photography
or whatever your Art of choice is.

I am more concerned with what "motivates" you
and "gets you up and out" aka actually Doing it?
Do you tend to Procrastinate until the urge
builds up to a Crescendo that "must be served?"
Or do you gently, "go with the flow" day
by day and let it come out naturally?
Do you suffer from "Artistic Blocks?
Or do you have "Daily habits" that help
you keep "Juice in your Art" and thereby
always tasting the sweetness of it's nectar?

Does your Inspiration come from "within"
or from "without"? Do you tread where the
Masters have gone before you or do you
strive to create your own new path?

For those that are feeling blocked and
can't find any "creative juices" at the moment
may I submit to you a video that crossed
my path... knowing that one of the secrets
to it's success was something very simple.
Isn't that usually the way it goes? We
OVER think things too many times..

Watch this then I will tell you the creative
solution they came up with....

They couldn't decide HOW to get the NEW
piece of the bridge to slide into place
... guess the answer yet? Dish soap.
Yup, they used good ole' "Dove" as it was the
the cheapest and they needed Gallons of it.
As if they didn't have a Due Date that they
were afraid they would miss and had already
announced the Delay to the entire News &
Bay Area Commuters because of unexpected
crack they discovered in the bridge...
They came in instead of a "whole Day LATE"...
ONLY "one hour" late... and the Bridge
Opened almost on Schedule...

Just a gentle reminder to NOT OVER-think
your challenges and let the answer slide in
easily like the new section of the bridge did.

Many times just a Simple little Solution
is better than all of the many more
complicated ones we can dream up that
cause us bigger delays and more
procrastination with our projects..

Wishing you Happy Due Dates and
Simple Solutions to your many
upcoming Pre-holiday projects..
As they Sillycon Valley folks use to say..
Remember to KISS-♥
Keep it Simple Sweetie (my version)