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Saturday, December 12, 2009

❤ Season's ❤ Greetings ❤ Everyone ❤

Season's Greetings everyone..

Sorry for the absence lately.
My MAIN computer has been in the shop having a complete physical
and surgery. It is temporarily back home, but still needs to go back
in for some final tweaking. It has been like Mr. Toad's "Wild Ride"
using my 7 yr old latop and not having access to many of my
programs cuz of the old Operating System...
Sometimes we don't REALLY Appreciate what we have
until we don't have it Suddenly.

Having this WHOLE MONTH to reflect on this topic, and of course,
this was over the Thanksgiving Holiday, it seemed to let the lesson
"sink-in" even DEEPER. This whole last month my email box
has been flooded with Sales Promos, as I am sure your Inbox
has been also.. But they were Ringing "hollow" for me this year.
I needed something BETTER another way of something to GIVE
to Show those that I REALLY Cared about them..

As FATE would have it, tomorrow I am attending a Special
Holiday Party for some folks that have been very sick and
isolated for most of the time, so even getting dressed up to
come out for this small Gathering will take a LOT of Effort
for them.. Most of them live alone and need to feel some
Community especially at this time of the year...

Tonight I had a "thought".. then I got something in my
email InBox... and THAT was IT.. The IDEA I had been
waiting for.. What a Gift to have it so easily delivered to me.
Now i would like to share that idea with you and possibly
kindly suggest that maybe you would find this a Special
Way for you to show your Thanks this season for ALL
you have been blessed with .. whether you feel that way
or not.. There are always those that have less and need more
than we/you do.. Giving back takes us "out" of ourselves
and Makes us Happy as we are making someone else

So please go to this website and dig DEEP within
and find what would work for you this year..
It's NOT "how much you spend" that counts..
It's how much you can make someone else Happy
that really counts.. then you will be twice-blessed.

I would love to hear back from you about if you
were able to find a way that made you feel like
what you did fulfilled this need to Give and Receive
on a REAL level this year..

Blessings to you all and your talent that you
will share and be a vehicle in your receiving also.

❤❤❤❤❤ ENTER HERE ❤❤❤❤❤

❤ Season's ❤ Greetings ❤ Everyone ❤

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