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Monday, September 27, 2010

Welcome to Fall/Spring in the Creative Cleaning World~Sale!

This summer I have been feeling a LOT of inner tweakings of my
artistic stylings taking place...going thru many moods and
letting me see where and how those feeling would want to
manifest themselves creatively and photographically....

So as I friend of mine once said.. I've been making
many mental internal "neurochromes" instead of putting
things ON the sensor or film....

I have moved on with my Art Exhibits and "Art as a Tool for Healing"
and have not only donated 2 images to the Silent Auction of
the Newly Opened "Whittemore Peterson Institute" up in Reno,
but they are also placing one of my Framed Large images I made 
with my 4x5 Linhoff Technika in their New Clinic Patient waiting room,
which means that EVERYONE that goes there WILL be seeing it....

I am REALLY Proud to Help them as they are a facility on the
cutting edge of Medicine  and have teamed up with the
University of Nevada at Reno, Med School, and are also
connected to another New Building built at the Same time
( the CMM~ Center for Molecular Medicine) for them
to work in partnership with..for a new kind of
Translational Medicine that is "centered" around the patient.

Here's 2 poor images that an "obvious non-photog" made of me
with my images up at their "Silent Auction."

                                      ~ "Fern Springs" from Yosemite ~

                                   ~ "Ann's Flowers" ~ near Carson Pass

and here is the one that WPI's VP, Mike Hillerby selected himself
to for the Clinic that will be Opening just before the Holidays....

~ Teton, Mt.Moran, Oxbow Bend ~

Here are 3 short videos that shows you the Importance and explains Just HOW
cutting Edge these new facilities  are.. and WHY I am SO Happy and Proud to have
Mike Hillerby select one of my images to grace the eyes of ALL of their patients..
and just HOW MANY different illnesses that are ALREADY making progress with.
It is Truly Astonishing...

I also know Annette and Andrea Whittemore and the Silent Auction
took place during their 6th Annual Gala Fund Raiser called,
"I Hope You Dance," on Sept 10, 2010. Dr Judy Mikovits also
took a picture of me with her iPhone  ;-)
Truly loving caring people....

Equinox Sale:

As I am switching over to offering Prints "ONLY."
Many images I have 12x16" already matted to 16x20"
I am selling for 25% off and 10% portion of any profits
will be going straight to the WPI to Help with Research Funding,
and helping to get the new Clinic ready to Open..

Please contact me if you are interested in a particular image
and I will let you know if I still have any matted versions
left in stock or of they are already SOLD OUT.

I also have some smaller ones that are perfect for gift-giving
either singly or in group of 3 for wall groupings..
They are 4x6" double matted to 8x10" ready for framing..
Those are usually $25 each.. They are also on Sale now
for $15 each or 3 for $40..

If you order thru my website I will contact you directly
and no charges will be made until we have confirmed
your order and it is time for shipping.

I can't believe there are less than 100 days until the Holidays already.
Please pace yourself and do not let the Holidays make you feel in a hollow-daze.
Take the Time to cherish every Precious Moment we are given...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The NEW Age of Photography and the iPad

At FIRST I didn't think I would want one..myself.. waste of money..I said...
assuredly ~ until I got my hands on one and then suddenly WON one
and then took a 2 hour class on them at my local MUG (Mac User's Group) LOL

I don't know how many of you have ventured into the world of the iPad yet..
but I am quickly learning that it will be  GREAT TOOL for us and also
has many benefits for when we are on the road.

I am discovering many useful things it can do for us Professionally...
Some are already using them to set up a display of a slide show of
their images during almost any occasion.. teaching, family or otherwise.
Their are a gazillion apps to do almost everything for us except.. well
I really shouldn't say ;-) LOL

One app I love is the TPE and the GREAT GPS it has... 
way better than some Toyota's.. 
"Toyota is NOT My".. 
It's a Great way to show your images impromptu to 
someone you see that might be a possible customer 
or client.. and let's NOT forget the cheap 3G or Wifi 
capabilities....with NO monthly contracts.. 
wifi at home OR 3G on the road OR as
some have
already done.. if you have a Broadband card you can 
get a small gadget and hook them up and create 
your own Wifi and NOT NEED your 3G GB's for the month 
OR just buy the Wifi version and make that 
adjustment for the POWER users ;-)

I've personally been going Crazy learning about them 
cuz until I can trade in the one I WON.. 
when the store FINALLY has the 64GB version in stock..., 
they Fricken FLY off the shelves... or as Steve Jobs 
says "they sell one EVERY 3 minutes"...

So I am collecting a list of apps I want...
If you already have the iPad and have any 
apps you REALLY like that you think I or others 
should check out PLEASE leave us a reply in
the comments section with the name of the app, OK?

Since THIS has been the "ALL THINGS DIGITAL" 
week and Job's will probably release the new 4G 
iPhone next Monday... I thought it would be only
fitting to show you a clip from the 2 hour Q + A 
that he did the other day... with Walt Mossberg 
and PLEASE forgive me for not knowing the 
other ladies name.. IF  you know it, please 
let us know in the comments section, OK?

I'll look to see if the full 2 hours are posted 
anywhere....maybe more on youtube? 
If you find it let us know and if I find 
more I'll post for you, OK?

TO read more about what he said and how 
the interview went you can read it HERE

My Birthday's NEXT Month... so Please help me decide 
which apps a photog might want and NEED 
and I am also looking to SEE if there 
ANY apps YET to buy that I can use to download
a color Photography Book...??
ya know like one of ours?? 
If you know a tech Developer maybe check with 
them or get them to create one and let me 
know ASAP, if you already know of one OK?

Thanks Much and Welcome  to Summer FINALLY ♥

LOVE to Hear what uses you have all found 
for your iPad also... ? Please share..
so we can all benefit and Enjoy our New toys, tee hee

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy 40th Earth Day everyone !!!

Happy 40th Earth Day, everyone....

Especially to those that Remember the 1st one~  also♥ 
(when it was ONLY about Recycling)

On THIS Special day and year... I hope everyone has made many changes 
in their way of living and are HELPING to do something 
Positive for "OUR HOME" = Mother Earth.

Many of us spend a lot of our time making images of her Beauty..
And we already KNOW the many things that are changing due to 
human's mistreatment and lack of care because we see the difference in our yearly photographs....
even if it has nothing to do with Global Warming
....destroying things, leaving trash around our home..etc.. 

I Sincerely HOPE that ALL of you WILL Taking the Pledge to Appreciate your Earth Home MORE each day AND those of you with children are  teaching THEM to be also more Aware and treat the Earth with Respect just as  you have earned Their respect...yes? Remember children learn "by example" as do we all..... 

The Earth IS worth the effort to keep her clean and preserve. AGREED?


I grew up next door to a Plant Nursery as many of you know and that was where I was first exposed to the Beauty of Mother Nature
...and their motto was:
 "Where the ONLY color is Green."  

THAT motto has taken on an even BIGGER
 more meaningful definition NOW.
Back then it was cuz the plants were green 
and the money they brought in was Green..
NOW Just the Word... means a New Industry, 
and Way of Thinking, and sustainable living ;-)

"May we ALL Live Long and Prosper while being GREEN."
  and Please Don't TRASH our ONLY Home ♥♥♥

I hope you have all been out there making many beautiful
images of the last storms of winter and now the beauties of Spring as Mother Nature changes her wardrobe for this season..and I hope this year you are able to travel to many new places that you have longed to experience and photograph...

Here's my latest 16x20 Archival Poster that I have just made 
a limited edition of 100.  

This is a VERY special image for me as I had slept 
in the back of my truck in the turnout and set the alarm 
to wake up before sunrise so I could set everything up... 
and then WAIT...
as most dedicated photographers do unless they are being 
a photo-journalist at the moment.

FINALLY the morning sun came shining thru 
in her Glory
"under the clouds" ~ and this was made back in days of FILM so 
this was NO digital creation.. until I scanned my film to make this poster.

Immediately after that image was made I drove all day 
thru the backroads of Nevada and barely made it  to Lee Vining, CA, 
"just in time @ 9:45pm" to get IN the door to have dinner at Nicely's 
and then go find my parking/sleeping spot in the 
Lower Lee Vining Campground.

Many of you have seen the image of the wild iris called the 
Blue Flag on my homepage. I made THAT one the 
next morning when I awoke about 20 yards from my truck...

It was the end of my Memorial Trip up to Yellowstone 
in Honor of my StepFather, who had a cabin up there for 50 years 
and I had driven him up there yearly, 
so this was my first trip alone....

May you all have Special memories like this that go with your images 
that make them "come alive" for you... 
and may we all have the opportunity to make many more special memories 
and may they be memorialized either with pixels or film 
you can cherish them even more later on in life.

Blessing to you all on this "Wonderful 40th Earth Day"

and Remember....

"Let the beauty you love BE what you do." ~ Rumi
and carry beauty with you always in your heart...

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Inspiration for the New Decade

No mater what your chosen medium for
expression of Art, I know we ALL can 
receive Inspiration from artists in other
mediums also..

This year I am allowing myself to 
put my "Inspiration Filter" on my
wide angle lens and wishing to 
let the inspiration flow in from
as many places as I can..

I "feel" a shift happening from within
and I want to give it "free range" 
and feed it as much as possible.

I find that MANY find valuable 
lessons for life from all mediums
of art and it concerns me Greatly
that  many of the arts are being 
eliminated from our schools' curriculum.

My HOPE is that WE can bring these
influences  back into our OWN lives
and possible the ACTION do something
to also inspire he children we are near
either one by one or an Entire Group.

Here is a simple example of a place
from which I drew some inspiration.
Everyone puts down TV viewing..
I have found MANY Inspirational
programs on there.. it depends on
what you are "looking for"....

Even Lessons from the Pro's and 
wee bits of "A-ha moments" CAN be
gleaned from interviews from
painters, vocalists, photographers,
and performance artists...

May this video help you think
"outside the box" and let your 
creative vision filter see a few 
things thru a new light.

May This New Decade find your 
"Inspiration Filter" put to new uses in many
ways and may you have many A-ha moments
that help you spread your Vision and also
Help others during this Challenging time
ahead and bring smiles and Inspiration
as well as possibly maybe Help others
Find their Passion that will add Lift-Off
to their Dreams they may had put on hold.

Bah Humbug to putting Dreams ON Hold.
Help your self and Others  "GO for IT."

Even if they don't make a profit during this
attempt, having a mentor and bringing some
JOY and Accomplishment and Pride into 
their lives during these days can be 
Priceless... and give them a SURGE that
will last a long time and maybe THEY
will even "pass it on" to others..

Support the Arts in whatever way you can 
this decade, whether you attend 
Artist's Receptions and let them KNOW 
just how much you appreciate their art, 
even if you can afford to buy it just now.. 
Being appreciated also Helps you keep going.. 
Take a friend along and Bring the Beauty 
of Art into Their LIVES.
Take a teenager along and show them 
the many ways they can 
"express their feelings" that does not 
make them a sissy and can BE fulfilling...

Who have you Inspired lately?
Let the list begin...